Communicate and inform about air quality

Actively communicating and informing about air quality ensures that citizens are more aware of this problem, of the impact of their own choices and of their own exposure to pollutants.
Communicate and inform about air quality

You tackle the following challenges:

How do I make my environment more aware of air quality
How do I improve indoor air quality

That's how you do it

  • Involve citizens of various ages and socio-economic status in air quality measurement campaigns and projects.
  • If you start from a specific problem, focus on the local target groups. For example, you can include the home-school distance as the main criterion in the central registration system at schools.
  • Schools can introduce children to the problem in a playful way.
  • Organize information sessions.
  • Place information boards, whether or not stating the current air quality.
  • Explain clearly why certain measures are taken and what they mean for air quality.
  • Provide tips to citizens on how to minimize their impact on air quality and their exposure to pollutants.

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