Integrating the environment into the local mobility plan

In a simple way, the interaction between mobility, air quality, noise pollution and health are addressed in the mobility plan.
Integrating the environment into the local mobility plan

You tackle the following challenges:

How do I make my environment more aware of air quality

That's how you do it

The interaction between mobility, the environment and health is not always addressed in municipal mobility plans. The preparation of a municipal mobility plan, or its assessment, is an important moment. It offers an opportunity to tackle mobility policy in all its facets in a more integrated manner.

To this end, we developed a step-by-step plan tailored to the municipal mobility planning process. This step-by-step plan makes it clear step by step how you can focus on the environmental aspect of mobility in each phase of the process. The step-by-step plan focuses on the aspects of air quality and noise nuisance. Environmental aspects, both of which also affect the health of local residents.

Integrating the environment into the local mobility plan
Step-by-step plan for integrating the environment into your local mobility plan


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